The perfect places for automotive giveaways

Cars are an integral part of many people’s daily lives, whether they’re driving them every morning or riding in them each afternoon. These vehicles provide a number of opportunities for companies to distribute promotional products, whether they’re handing out small items – such as keychains – or larger ones, like car wash kits. Since these items can be easily stored in one’s car, which tends to see a fair amount of daily traffic, they are likely to be used more frequently and seen by a greater number of people.

There are many opportunities during which companies can give out automotive accessories, whether they’re trying to attract new consumers or retain the loyalty of pre-existing ones.

Automotive giveaways are ideal for safety-events
Businesses that hold safety-focused events may find great benefits in distributing items that can help promote best practices that relate to the car. These events can allow companies to not only spread their brand name, but also assure consumers that the business is invested in people’s well-being.

One great example of this type of event was recently highlighted by WDTV in West Virginia. A local institution, University High School, hosted a community group that promotes teen safety on the road. The presenters spoke to attendees about common distractions younger adults face in their cars, such as cellphones and drunken driving. The Monongalia County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Perry Palmer told the source that promoting safety among the state’s youngest citizens was paramount to making the area a better place for residents.

“They need to be careful on the roadway because any minor distraction inside the vehicle could lead to something dangerous,” Perry told the source.

Companies that wish to sponsor events like this have a number of safety-focused automotive giveaways to choose from. Myron offers a number of promotional highway safety kits, which come with batteries, jumper cables, flashlights and distress flags. By providing teenage drivers with these kits, businesses can help to ensure that should any unfortunate incident arise while they’re on the road, they are well-equipped with emergency gear.

College campuses are great for spreading awareness
Another important segment of young adult drivers consists of college students, who happen to love two things: those that are useful, and those that are free. Many of these individuals are driving their parents old cars, or they’re still rolling around in vehicles they received when they were 16. AAA released a statement concerning first-time college students and car maintenance. The agency explained that these individuals were typically experiencing the world independently for the first time, and they should be well-prepared to handle any incidents on their own.

There exists a range of products ideal for this demographic that they may neglect to keep in their vehicles. While having a properly equipped emergency roadside kit is essential, there are other items that companies can distribute to this crowd. AAA recommends that students regularly check and maintain their tires – something that can be easily achieved using a tire pressure gauge. Myron offers many different styles of promotional gauges, from digital ones to those that come attached to a keychain.

Seasonal products garner attention
Car owners’ needs change based on the season, whether they are thanking their auto dealer for recommending studded tires or ruing the day they chose leather interiors. Seasonal changes are perfect opportunities for distributing products that can help individuals traveling by vehicles. With summer just around the corner, companies can consider purchasing custom car sun shades offered by Myron. These products are great not only for blocking out unwanted solar rays, but also for spreading a business’ brand on a large, widely-viewed surface.

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