Businesses in the travel industry should use promotional items for summer

With summer rapidly approaching, many consumers are planning their vacations. For some people, June, July and August are the best times to get away from work for a few days and enjoy fun trips. According to a recent survey, the majority of Americans are considering taking holidays this summer. TD Ameritrade reports that 78 percent of poll respondents are planning summer vacations. Additionally, 26 percent of consumers will spend more on travel in 2013 than they did last year.

For small businesses in the travel and hospitality industries, TD Ameritrade’s finding are great news. Companies in these sectors should start marketing sooner rather than later to find new clients before the busy summer season officially begins. In many cases, distributing unique promotional products will help businesses convert leads into loyal customers.

Consider distributing the following promotional items this summer to increase revenue.

Rain, rain go away
Few weather conditions can ruin a vacation quite like rain. Consumers don’t want to explore new cities or sit on the beach while gray clouds unleash massive downpours. Mild drizzle can also prevent vacationers from truly enjoying their time away from home.

Small business owners can ensure that weather doesn’t dampen anyone’s fun by distributing sponsored umbrellas during promotional giveaways. The functional gifts will keep the rain away from consumers so they are free to truly enjoy their vacations. Additionally, the promotional presents can also help recipients avoid sunburns while away from home.

Moreover, entrepreneurs distribute tote bags with folding umbrellas to ensure that customers always have the items handy. The umbrellas conveniently fit into a small pocket at the bottom of the logo-emblazoned bags, making it easy for consumers to prepare for bad weather. The totes also have sufficient storage space for recipients to carry all of their souvenirs and travel essentials while on vacation.

Going international
Some consumers aren’t content to explore the United States this summer as TD Ameritrade that 29 percent of travelers will vacation outside of North America and another 11 percent will visit Canada and Mexico. International excursions can be enjoyable if consumers have the necessary paperwork to both leave and enter the country.

Small business owners, particularly travel agents, should consider distributing passport holders so customers always have their documentation ready when traveling. Losing a passport can cause serious problems so holders might be some of the best promotional products to distribute for summer.

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