Celebrate Chocolate Day with candy for customers and employees

Giving away promotional items like candy leaves a sweet impression with consumers in every sense of the word. Free chocolates can also help boost employee morale from time to time, especially if given out on July 7th, National Chocolate Day.

These treats can be printed with a corporate logo or can bear custom wrappers, making them ideal promotional giveaways both at your business and distributed through other local vendors who are willing to offer them in their offices. Increasing brand visibility is one thing, but associating it with an item that relates immediate satisfaction to a customer can draw a very positive conclusion for clientele before they even visit an establishment.

A healthy investment

Seeing as the Globe and Mail reported that chocolate milk can be beneficial right after a workout, it might be wise to give chocolates to employees. The article points out that chocolate, created using cacao leaves, is actually a vegetable, explaining why some varieties of the candy are actually recommended in small amounts on a regular basis to promote good health.

Apart from improving their happiness in the moment, enhancing wellness can save money on healthcare costs and reduces turnover. A study by Towers Watson found more employers are moving toward wellness to circumvent costs, and if providing promotional items like chocolate can help workers do their job better, marketing teams can effectively cut costs by investing in candies for consumer and staff distribution.

Using chocolate as part of promotions also seems to work. Globe and Mail reported that Dairy Farmers of Canada had found creating chocolate milk campaigns with the Ottawa Senators NHL team had resulted in more than 60 percent of men saying they drinking the beverage to refuel after a workout, according to a Dairy Farmers’ study. That reflects nearly three times as many milk drinkers than a similar study conducted a year ago.

Any day will do

If you miss out on Chocolate Day this year, remind recipients they can still use the candies as a tasty topping on July 15th, National Ice Cream Day. There are many occasions where giving chocolate as a promotional product is appreciated by customers and partners alike, regardless of whether there’s a holiday at hand or not.

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