Sticking with magnets for promotional purposes

The conventional use of a magnet sometimes is not the best fit for the product, and as more uses are found for these pieces of metallic bling, the more popular they’re likely to become. It is common today to find custom magnets not only on the front of the fridge, but also adorning car bumpers, filing cabinets, blackboards and any other surface with enough metal to hold the item to it.

No matter what the advertising purpose, a fun promotional magnet can make your company’s name stick in a customer’s head for years to come.

Raising awareness

In some cases it may be that your company is trying to raise money or associate itself with a certain cause. Breast cancer awareness magnets are very common, especially when it comes to vehicles, where pink ribbons are not uncommon as 2-dimensional stickers.

The nice thing about a two-dimensional adornment as opposed to something more bulky is that it’s less likely to be ruined or torn off the vehicle while it’s moving. It also lets the driver and passengers express a certain emotion or affiliation wordlessly to everyone who sees the car on the road.

That’s what makes car custom magnets such a good investment for business marketing. Once a magnet is affixed to the side of a vehicle, everyone who sees that sticker will gain at least a modicum of awareness for your company. As the proliferation of stickers grows or some other form of advertising encounters consumers, they’re more likely to recognize and be drawn to a specific brand.

“Whether it’s an event to support a cause or the anticipation of finding a cure, we believe in inspiring like-minded individuals to unite together for a common goal,” said Lynda King, owner of a marketing company that endorses breast cancer awareness products. “Our business is about celebrating life.”

Support saving money

Custom promotional magnets also give businesses a competitive edge in that they are cheap to obtain and distribute. Since they offer high visibility and can speak to a customer on a personal level, they’re also more likely to be kept than other promotions a company might consider.

One organization has even started mailing magnets as a cost-saving venture, according to PRLeap. By removing the mailer element completely and turning the product into a stand-alone advertisement, organizations can better target their message to clientele by focusing only on their message rather than being bundled with a group of other advertisements.

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