Unique promotions bring better visibility to businesses


Certain promo items are basic go-to staples of companies looking to boost marketing for a reasonable price. Pens and notepads may be practical and reliable, but some owners are enjoying heightened revenue thanks to big hype and unusual perks.

Simply putting a moniker on a pen or adding a fun font to custom notepads doesn’t have quite the same punch as other incentives like coupon keychains and printed cookies. Making a product practical doesn’t always mean it has to sit on a desk, and in these instances it doesn’t even need to be used more than once in order to build solid hype for businesses.

A slice of marketing

People need to eat, and fortunately they love giveaways. Of course, using promotional candy is one way of pulling in customers and literally giving them a treat for frequenting your establishment, but some businesses have found more creative means of getting a message to consumers while pushing revenue.

A pizza parlor in Annapolis, Florida has been using promotional keychains as part of a coupon incentive that serves as another kind of edible treat for customers. Shoppers purchase the promos and can then turn them in when they order a pie to get free toppings on their order. Customers can get up to four free toppings, or in other words, they can buy up to four of these advertisements and give them back to the business for a discount.

The real draw here is that a portion of the sale goes to cancer research at a local hospital. Incorporating other promotional aspects and fundraising ideas can bring popularity to a promotional giveaway, but the value of the item itself can be minimal if it represents a bigger sale, as in the case of the pizzeria.

Racing for exposure

For others the need to advertise is less pressing and is actually conducted as a way of engaging a wider audience or creating an air of excitement. The New York Raving Association was counting on this building fervor when it put out a lineup of promotional giveaways in preparation of the Belmont Stakes.

In this instance, consumers were rewarded with promo items like pens, glasses, hats and shirts with racing logos and horse images to bring more visibility to the million-dollar event. Both online and on-site techniques were employed, according to Yahoo Sports, so even before visitors made it to the gate they already had promotional items to show off at home, around the office and while just out and about.

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